Wednesday 7 March 2012

Facebook 101

and good afternoon :1: .
have you ever felt of the need to be updated on what your friends are doing and their whereabouts ? Or , you felt the need to share your favourite music videos , vacation photos and even your frustration with friends ? Of course it is possible , just by picking up the phone and give your friends a call . but , there is a more exciting internet application to do this and I believe most of us here have one . Yes , can you spell it to me ? F.A.C.E.B.O.O.K . yupz ! Facebook !

facebook is one of the most significant internet phenomenal of this century . It may sounds cliche but the impact it brings on social life and human activities was tremendously amazing . Since it was first launched in February 2004 , it was unstoppable that as of January 2001, Facebook has more than 600 million active users worldwide . among the things that inspired me about FACEBOOK is it was founded by young college students : Mark Zuckerberg with his college roommates and fellow computer science students Eduardo Saverin , Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes .

Initially , the use was limited to his college . the Harvard University but gradually expanded to other college in the United States, the high schools then the public and the rest is history . By 2005 , the use of facebook had already become so ubiquitous that the generic verb "facebooking" had come into use to describe the process of browsing others profiles or updating one's own . In December 2009 , the New Oxford American Dictionary declared their word of the year to be the verb "unfriend" , defined as "to remove someone as a friend" on a social networking site such as Facebook .

Facebook somehow has impacted on the social life and people activities . groups are formed on the site to share the same beliefs , interests , institutions , family and anything , you name it . an Egyptian baby was named "Facebook" on February 22 , 2011 , to commemorate the vital role of Facebook and other social media played in Egypt's revolution . Meanwhile Ivy Bean of Bradford England joined Facebook in 2008 , at the age of 102 , making her one of the oldest people ever on Facebook .

Our neighbouring country Indonesia has 24 Million or about 10% of the population are active Facebook users , the second largest number after the United States . However , Facebook has been met with controversies . It has been blocked intermittently in several countries including the People's Republic of China , Vietnam and Iran on different bases like religious issues . It has also been banned at many workplaces to prevent the wasting of employees time . Without a doubt , Facebook is an extremely popular and powerful new way to interact and voices opinions .

I can tell you why Facebook is also a big hit among teenagers like us . first , it allows you to maintain a friends list and choose privacy setting to tailor who can see what on your profile . Then we can upload photos that can be shared with our friends . Besides that it supports interactive online chat and the ability to comment on your friends "walls" in order to keep in touch or just say "hi" . Hence , Facebook is the answer as it supports groups and fan pages activities .

There are things I want to highlights as reminders . When on Facebook , please customize your privacy . Give limit to what people can see what in your profile . apart from that , don't post the year you were born . This can let the predators out there to know how old you are and you might become an easy target if they know you are young . Don't be afraid to join public groups about interests you share . Don't be afraid to make new friends on Facebook . Facebook friends aren't much different than pen pals of yesteryear . Lastly , don't use Facebook to harass , spread rumors , challenge fights or otherwise incite violence . Bear in my friends , Facebook is a social utility , not an for anti-social .

Bye :face75:

Dah abis baca ? Terima kasih sebab sudi membaca :)

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